Update: See 14 babies in calendar contest
Vote for your favorite baby today!
We now have 14 entries in the Crusade Baby Calendar.
You have two ways to vote: credit or cash
When you click on a baby photo (you’ll be linked below), you’ll be taken to another Web page that gives you two choices.
You can use your credit card securely online or download the official voting form and send it in with your donation. That’s how it works.
You MUST write the baby’s name in the comments section when using a credit card and on the mail-in form so the baby you like gets full credit.
Remember dollars equal votes!
Voting is determined by donations to the WHAS Crusade for Children. The babies who collect the most donations will be the winners.
Just click here to see our little contestants and start voting! Click on the image of your favorite baby and carefully follow the instructions.
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