Dig deep! Crusade starts today at 1:00pm
Courier Journal editorial says dig deep
The following editorial appeared in the Louisville Courier-Journal on
Friday, June 3 2011
Editorial | The Crusade beckons
8:17 PM, Jun. 2, 2011
Scoop that loose change out of your car’s cup holder and toss it into a firefighter’s boot.
This weekend, you’ll see them stationed at almost every intersection, gathering money for the WHAS Crusade for Children. Nearly every dime will go to children with special needs.
Over $138 million has been raised since the Crusade for Children started in 1954. The money goes directly to agencies, schools and hospitals that help children with special needs in the Louisville area. More than half the money donated to the Crusade comes from firefighters and their efforts.
It takes just a few dollars.
Local fire departments and charity organizations have already banded together to help with the 58th Crusade. Money has been raised throughout the year at various charitable events like cookouts and car cruises to dinners and dances.
Now it’s your turn.
If you can’t find a firefighter, try visiting www.whascrusade.org or calling (502) 582-7706.
All money donated in Indiana stays in Indiana. The same goes for Kentucky. The initiative lets communities directly affect people in their own neighborhoods.
Dig deep into your hearts, pockets, cup holders and seat cushions during this annual time of giving in Kentuckiana.
Every cent counts.
Times are difficult financially for many, but the agencies and organizations that apply for grants through the Crusade need the money now more than ever.
Last year, the Crusade saw the largest amount of money donated since 2005. Children in 170 counties in Kentucky and Indiana reap the benefits of the campaign.
Let’s see the number increase from last year’s $5,301,182. When the Crusade ends Sunday, let’s be able to say we helped young people in need who require it more than ever.
13th Annual “Cruisin for the Crusade” June 4
The Kentuckiana Corvette Club presents its 13th annual “Crusin for the Crusade.”
• When: Saturday, June 4, 2011
• Where: Waterfront Park in Louisville
• Entry: $20 per show car and the general public is free
All type of vehicles welcome. Come join us for day of fun.
All proceeds benefit the WHAS Crusade for Children.
Click here to download an entry form.
Monroe Township VFD Crusade Dinner and Auction June 4
Monroe Twp. Vol. Fire Dept. in Henryville, Indiana is holding the Henryville Annual Crusade for Children Dinner and Auction.
• June 4, 2011
• Henryville Community Building on Hwy 31 (next to the High School)
• Dinner is 5:00pm until 9:00pm.
• Auction starts at 8:00pm
If you would like to donate an auction item, please call 502-639-3587. Come and help support the Crusade for Children!
From Louisville, take I-65 north to exit 19 (Henryville). Turn right onto Hwy 160. Go to four way stop and turn left on Hwy 31. Look for building on left just past the Henryville High School.
If you have any questions please call Bill Maloney, District 1 Fire Chief at 502-639-3587.
Crusade Barnyard Dash June 11
You can register now! For more information and to register for the race, download the official entry form, just click here.
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