February 13, 2012
Crusade Donors, Crusade Events, Uncategorized
Dark Side has bright side
News flash: Elvis marries couple on WHAS11’s Great Day Live!
Dark Side of The Wall helps Crusade
The music of Pink Floyd is part of the soundtrack to the rock ‘n roll era and now it’s benefitting the WHAS Crusade for Children.
For their upcoming concert, the Pink Floyd tribute band “Dark Side of The Wall” and the Kentucky Center are donating $1 to the WHAS Crusade for Children for every ticket sold. Today the group appeared on WHAS11’s 9:00am morning show Great Day Live and presented a check for $1,200.
Dark Side of The Wall performs on Great Day Live!
Allen needham of “Dark Side of The Wall” said, “We thought we need to start giving back ‘cause we’re very lucky to be in this position and it’s just close to our hearts.”
The concert is set for February 25, 2012 at the Brown Theater.
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