Author: admin

Come out to Harvest Homecoming

Check out our WHAS Crusade for Children booth at Harvest Homecoming - Booth P75! Look for "Stan the Fireman" with all the cool Crusade swag! Craft & Food Booth Days Starts: 10/12/2017 @ 12:00 pm Ends: 10/15/2017 @ 5:00 pm Place: Market, Pearl & Bank Streets


Enjoy our new website!

We are excited to announce the launch of our redesigned website! Easily access information using the menu options at the top of the home page: Who We Are Grants Events Contact Donate Enjoy YouTube videos of children directly impacted by the WHAS Crusade for Children, and


WHAS Crusade for Children awards 224 grants

Helping make life better for children with special needs Agencies, hospitals and schools across Kentuckiana that serve children with special needs got some great news from the WHAS Crusade for Children this week. The Crusade sent out grant letters on July 1 to organizations to let


Make a difference

Providence High School penny war raises thousands Compassion + Generosity + Friendly Competition = $3021.21 for children with special needs. Students at Providence High School raised thousands for the WHAS Crusade for Children in their annual Penny War. The Junior class raised the most money in