Author: admin

UK Coach Joker Phillips supports Crusade

New head coach says you should support the Crusade too! Taking time away from his busy practice schedule, new University of Kentucky Head Football Coach Joker Phillips shows his support for the WHAS Crusade for Children. Thanks coach!


CSX donates to the Crusade

CSX employees requested that the corporation donate to the WHAS Crusade for Children. The company responded in a big way with a $5,000 donation. Mark Duffee, Tim Benham and Jason Peak from CSX presented Crusade President & CEO with a check for $5,000


Fishing tourney & motorcycle run coming up

Fall events are just around the corner Zoneton Crusade Bass Tournament September 11, 2010 2010 WHAS CRUSADE FOR CHILDREN BASS TOURNAMENT "Fishin' for the kids!" Place: Rough River – State Park Ramp Date: Saturday, Sept 11 , 2010 (Rain or Shine) Time: 6:30am (or safe light)


Your Crusade donations at work

Your Crusade donations fund Exceptional Equitation The WHAS Crusade for Children was an early champion of Kentucky’s first equine therapy program, Exceptional Equitation. Shelly Prete, the owner of the LaGrange-based farm says since 1981 the Crusade has provided funding for safety equipment and educational supplies