Author: admin

PCS yard sale benefits Crusade

This Saturday you can get a jumpstart on your holiday shopping and help children with special needs. Personal Counseling Services in Clarksville is hosting a yard sale to benefit the WHAS Crusade for Children. On sale will be vintage toys and games as well as cherry


Crusade voted #1 charitable event

In LEO Weekly's Readers' Choice 2009 Awards, The WHAS Crusade for Children was voted "Best Charitable Event." Here are the LEO readers voting results: 1. Crusade for Children 2. St. Joseph Picnic 3. Light the Night Walk Also exciting is that the Crusade's own Endowment Board member Rachel Platt was


The Miracle Dancers inspire us all

The Miracle Dancers from 2006 The Miracle Dancers are a special dance troop from the Diane Moore Dance Academy. Their inspiring routines are seen each year on the WHAS Crusade for Children telethon. This emotionally charged performance is from 2006. The Miracle Dancers from 2007 The Miracle Dancers


Many Crusade events in the weeks ahead

6th Annual Kroger Crusade for Children Ride September 13 Sunday September 13, 2009 Rain Date: September 20, 2009 Registration from 11:00am-1:00pm Kickstands up at 1:30pm Route TBA All proceeds benefit the WHAS Crusade for Children Ride begins and ends at Wildcat Harley-Davidson 575 Hal Rogers Parkway London, Kentucky 40741 Free T-Shirt to the and a