Author: admin

U of L receives over $523,000 in Crusade grants

On the University of Louisville campus, if you listen closely you heard the sound cha-ching today! It resonated throughout the U of L campus. WHAS Crusade for Children CEO Dawn Lee presented the university with one of the Crusade’s largest grants. “It's a combined


Team Edythe adds to Phyllis Knight Run/Walk

Lyndon Fire and Rescue, in a partnership with Westport Village, held the first annual Phyllis Knight Memorial 5k Run/Walk to benefit the Crusade for Children on October 17, 2009. More than 200 runners and walkers made the effort. “This is a great opportunity for


Karleigh’s Crusade story

Six-year-old Karleigh Bruner is truly a Crusade kid. She was born prematurely at only twenty-seven weeks. Her dad, Sergeant Chuck Bruner of the Highview Fire Department says Karleigh spent a total of nine-and-a-half weeks at Norton Suburban Hospital where all machines that kept


Lyndon Fire & Safety Festival this weekend

Lyndon Fire Health & Safety Festival October 17 Lyndon Fire & Rescue has a full day of activites planned for their Health and Safety Festival. When: Saturday, October 17, 2009 - All day Where: Westport Village Lace up your running shoes and get going in the Phyliss Knight


Tour of UK Children’s Hospital

Members of the Crusade for Children staff and others were treated to a tour of University of Kentucky Children's Hospital in Lexington on September 24. Thanks to Loralyn Cecil and Mark Slover for arranging the guided tour. Here are some photos from thet day.


Endowment motorcyle run is a successful first

Sunday, September 27, 2009 was the first ever "Riding for a Legacy" Motorcycle Poker Run for the WHAS Crusade Endowment. YPAL members kick in Many thanks to Endowment Board Member Natalie Turner for her work along with other members of the Young Professionals Association of Louisville